<% if @search_data.results? %> <% add_identifier_column if show_identifier_column? %> <%= render_aspace_partial :partial => "shared/pagination_summary" %> data-multiselect="true"<% end %>> <% if allow_multi_select? %> <% end %> <% if params[:linker]==='true' %> <% end %> <% if show_record_type? %> <% end %> <% if show_title_column? %> <% end %> <% if extra_columns? %> <% extra_columns.each do |col| %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if !params[:linker] || params[:linker] === 'false' %> <% end %> <% @search_data['results'].each do |result| deleted = (params.has_key?("deleted_uri") and Array(params["deleted_uri"]).include?(result["id"])) || false %> "> <% if allow_multi_select? %> <% end %> <% if params[:linker] === 'true' %> <% if params[:multiplicity] === 'many' %> <% else %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if show_record_type? %> <% end %> <% if show_title_column? %> <% end %> <% if extra_columns? %> <% extra_columns.each do |col| %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if !params[:linker] || params[:linker] === 'false' %> <% end %> <% end %>
sort-<%= @search_data.current_sort_direction %><% end %>"> <%= link_to I18n.t("search_results.result_type"), build_search_params("sort" => @search_data.sort_filter_for("primary_type")) %> sort-<%= @search_data.current_sort_direction %><% end %>"> <%= link_to title_column_header_label, build_search_params("sort" => @search_data.sort_filter_for("title_sort")) %> <% if col.sortable? %> <%= link_to col.label, build_search_params("sort" => @search_data.sort_filter_for(col.sort_by)) %> <% else %> <%= col.label %> <% end %>
<%= check_box_tag "multiselect-item", result["id"], false %> <%= check_box_tag "linker-item", result["id"], false, :"data-object" => result.to_json %> <%= radio_button_tag "linker-item", result["id"], false, :"data-object" => result.to_json %> <%= I18n.t("#{result["primary_type"]}._singular", :default => I18n.t("plugins.#{result["primary_type"]}._singular")) %> <% if result['primary_type'] === "repository" and session[:repo] === result['id'] %><%= I18n.t("repository._frontend.messages.selected_short") %><% end %> <% if result["suppressed"] %><%= I18n.t("states.suppressed") %><% end %> <% if deleted %><%= I18n.t("states.deleted") %><% end %> <%= clean_mixed_content(result["title"]).html_safe || clean_mixed_content(result['display_string']).html_safe %> <%= col.value_for(result) %> <%= display_audit_info(result, :format => 'compact') %> <% if not deleted %>
<%= link_to I18n.t("actions.view"), {:controller => :resolver, :action => :resolve_readonly, :uri => result["id"]}, :class => "btn btn-xs btn-default" %> <% if can_edit_search_result?(result) %> <%= link_to I18n.t("actions.edit"), {:controller => :resolver, :action => :resolve_edit, :uri => result["id"]}, :class => "btn btn-xs btn-primary" %> <% end %>
<% if result['primary_type'] === "repository" and @repositories.any?{|r| r['uri'] === result['id']} %> <% if current_repo['uri'] != result['id'] %> <%= form_tag({:action => :select, :id => JSONModel(:repository).id_for(result['id'])}, {:style => "display: inline;"}) do |f| %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>
<%= render_aspace_partial :partial => "shared/pagination" %> <% else %>

<%= I18n.t("search_results.no_results") %>

<% end %>