An Example of Unintentional Plagiarism at Idaho State University

A computer.

Many students plagiarize as a result of not taking the time to understand and apply correct methods of citing properly. Usually when this is done, no harm is intended. There are, however, some students that deliberately plagiarize with the intent to be dishonest. For a student to use someone else's work without proper citations is an act of stealing. The following two examples of plagiarism are actual cases that happened on the Idaho State University campus:

Brent* lost his job as a construction worker in Pocatello as a result of the economic down turn. He returned to ISU to finish his education after a ten year absence. Enrolled in Professor Wilson's* English 110 class, Brent was assigned to write an essay on Shakespeare. He enjoyed learning about Shakespeare and writing the essay but failed to give credit to the sources used in his research. Brent had taken English 101 and 102, but it had been years since he had written essays or been in class. He had simply overlooked proper citation methods.

When the errors were brought to Brent's attention, he was embarrassed and apologetic, assuring Professor Wilson that he had made the mistakes innocently. Brent was asked to rewrite the paper and correct the citations, which Brent willingly did. His work improved and he developed useful writing skills as a result of the class.

* Names have been changed.