Faculty Instruction Evaluation Form

            (* = required entry)

Your Name: *
Instruction Time: *
(hh:mm - hh:mm)
Course Name: *
Library Instructor: *
Instruction Date: *
Other Library Instructor:
(if applicable)

  None 1-2 3-4 5+
* 1. How many research assignments did you require for this course?        
  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree  
* 2. The amount of information and the level of instruction was appropriate for this class.  
* 3. The session included information needed by the students to complete their library-related research assignment.  
* 4. The librarian identified and demonstrated electronic and/or print sources relevant to the course.  
* 5. The library instructor was an effective teacher who was well organized and gave a clear presentation.  
* 6. The library instructor encouraged students to ask questions and to make relevant comments.  
* 7. The handouts were useful and relevant.  
* 8. Did the librarian consult with you ahead of time about gearing the library session to your specific teaching needs? Yes No

   8a. If yes, did you have a specific topic or material that you asked to be covered?

Excellent Good Fair Poor  
   8b. If yes, how would you rate the coverage of this topic or material?  
* 9. How would you rate the workshop overall?  

10. Please include any additional comments and/or suggestions for improvement.
(Limit of 255 characters. You have 255 characters remaining.)

Thank you for taking the time to help us improve our library instruction. If you have questions or want to talk about this, please feel free to email or to call the library instructor(s). Any email sent to libinst@isu.edu will be forwarded to the appropriate person.