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Not all of the articles you find
in Academic Search Complete will be in full text. However, the article
may be in full text in another database, or in the Oboler Library's
collection of print journals. To learn more about the availability
of the article, you can click on the "
Find It " button.
For example, let's say that you are really interested in getting
article number 20, an article that is not in full text (notice that
there are no HTML or PDF full-text links). After clicking the "Display more details about this journal"
button a new window will appear as shown below.
"Find It " reveals that although
the article is not available in full text in Academic Search Complete, it is in
full text in a database called "ProQuest Nursing Journals. Once you click
on the ProQuest Nursing Journals link you will arrive at a link that will take
you to the full text of the article. If the article was not in full text in any
of the databases you would still see a link to the "Eli M. Oboler Library
Catalog" (second link down). Clicking here would let you find out if the
journal containing the article you desire is in our print collection.