How to Avoid Academic Dishonesty

The library.
  • If you have a hard time completing an assignment, don't resort to cheating. Get help from appropriate sources, such as your instructor, librarians, or the ISU Writing Center.

  • Use research materials appropriately. Remember to cite all sources that you quote or paraphrase in your paper or speech.

  • Check with your professor to see if they allow students to study from previous semesters' exams and tests.

  • "In an exam setting, keep your eyes on your own paper. Guard your own paper during an exam so that it is not easy for someone to copy off of you."7

  • Give yourself plenty of time to finish assignments. Budget lots of time for research, for writing, and for proofreading.

  • When studying for an exam, leave yourself time for as much studying as you think you'll need. Cramming, though it may work for some, is rarely the best way to review for a test.

  • "If you see a fellow student committing an act of academic dishonesty, do not hesitate to report him/her to the professor." 8